To All You's Beautiful People
Hey, from down here.... where all the 'wittle uggies' roam and 'tudes abound.
Down here is pretty low today. It wasn't that way early on in the day, then I got out of bed. Kinda kidding. Much like the weather my mood has deteriorated. The way I perceive things is probably to blame again. Guess I am tired of taking the brunt of everyone's pissy attitudes and eating the gynormous shit sam'iches they serve up.
I wish WISH WISH I could be like those of you with the ability to shrug off these little adversarial things that happen within a day. I envy you all. Envy isn't sinful when you don't covet, right? I would share the wealth of "don't worry, be happy now" if I had it. Sharing is the anti-covet. I need meds. I would definetely share those.
Perspective is the word of the day. I am going to see what I can do that's productive with the rest of my day.
Love to my peeps today from who talked me through a perplexing droning voice in my head and a long list of emotional issues plaguing the hours I was supposed to be working today.