Rants, Raves, Ramblings of an Undersized Life

Being 4'11" gives you a different perspective on the world. Different is not always a bad thing. Add to Technorati Favorites


Participating is Helping, Right?

Today was the official work day at church.

The To Do list was:

1.) Paint one building's exterior (2 colors, contrastingly different than existing)

2.) Re-landscape bed around the sign.

3.) Re-plant flowers in planter below sign.

4.) Paint new color around lighted sign.

5.) Repaint letters on church sign.

6.) Paint 4 Sunday school rooms.

7.) Remove old carpet in 2 Sunday school rooms. (circa 1970 carpet/glue)

8.) Install new carpet in 2 Sunday school rooms.

Done just to prepare for this day:

a.) Pressure wash exterior of building

b.) Remove all furniture from 4 Sunday school rooms.

12 people from another church 80 miles away came to help. 2 of them were professional painters armed with every tool necessary AND a professional grade power sprayer.

Now for the guess what part? Guess how many people from OUR church showed up? Ummm, let's just say much less a ratio than the traveling volunteer painters. And, guess how much of this list got done? About 6 out of the 8.... which I must say is pretty amazing. We are a small church with big lists.

I am pretty much useless when it comes to this stuff. I can only roll smooth walls to 6.5', and that's with an extension pole. I definitely cannot roll out that exterior paint over the bumpy stucco 14' in the air - for I have zero upper body strength. I can't do ladders. Do the math, why can't a 4'11" acrophobic chick stand on the 5th rung of the ladder for too long? So, I am officially known as 'weed puller - water getter - trim girl'.

Do you want to know what makes me the craziest about church work days? The inevitable 'let down' experience of it all. When the people who show up are the ones who are more faithful, than useful; this makes it harder to complete the project because in this instance you really need the latter. I could see the hurt from the disappointment written all over my pastor's face.

About a year ago, after an emotionally devastating experience, I stopped allowing people to 'let me down'. Allow, you say? Yes, allow. Someone can only let you down if you allow them to. If you do not place your expectations on or hold your standards up to someone else, they cannot let you down. It's impossible. Here's my list of who I can count on:

1.) God

Nice list, eh? Can I still encounter disappointment with each other with this outlook? Most certainly. As humans, we are designed for each other's company. Your friend, neighbor, husband, mother, children are just as fallible as you are. Cliff notes version: It's best to keep things in perspective and only expect what's unexpected. It's not pessimistic, it's realistic.


Growing Pains

About 2 months ago my youngest child announced her plans to leave home and live on her own. She was 18 then, and she's 18 now, and she's not going to ever be any younger than eightfreakingteen. 3 weeks ago she moved out, across town, which might as well be Siberia to my heart.

I realize this is a part of growing up. Not just for her, but for me... it is all about me, after all, in case anyone forgot. I was such a young mother and my children have raised me well. I molded my entire existence around them. I have no identity apart from these 2 people, who may I remind you, are at least eightfreakingteen and who no longer are in need of my mothering services. (Unless they are sick or hungry or broke... then all of a sudden I am allowed to resume mothering duties momentarily.)

Tonight was a low one. You see, I have been married to Peter Pan for twenty years. In traditional Peter Pan fashion, it was buddy soiree night in Neverneverland with the Lost Boys. So, tonight I came home to an empty house. Completely. Empty. (Except for the cat, and well, she only wants me for my Le Fancy Feast.) I pace. I grumble. I cry. Then I feel guilty for being so pitiful over something that's supposed to be completely normal for 99% of the stable women in this world. There are other mothers in this world whose children are starving, diseased, and dying... and I am too much of an emotional midget to overcome an empty house for a night. What a hard life I must have. Good grief.

Understanding my limitations is going to get me through this time in my life. Discovering a little further of who I am aside from a wife and mother might help. Remembering I am not dead and that 'getting a life' would probably prevent a few of the languishing "HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT! WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MY LIFE?" moments.

Our Pie In the Sky

A few friends and I have started an online community. A safe haven for misfits. About us.

I have found that I probably should keep my personal thoughts here. So here is where they'll stay.
